Project Portfolio
Featured projects
Bloggo Ruby, Hotwire
Blogging web app built with Rails and Hotwire.
Other Projects
Calculator HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
Do the math!
Dit Dah Ruby Gem Ruby
A Ruby implementation of Morse code.
Etch a Sketch HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
Cross between a sketchpad and an Etch-A-Sketch.
Hangman Ruby
Can you guess the word?.
Landing Page HTML5, CSS3
Simply a landing strip.
Odin Recipes HTML5, CSS3
Hungry? I've got some recipes.
Rock, Paper, Scissors HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
First to five wins!
Ruby Basics Ruby
Basic projects to practice my Ruby fundamentals.
Event Manager Ruby
Files and serialisation practice in Ruby.
Fun Ruby Programs Ruby
Fun Ruby exercise programs.
OOP and Project Organisation Ruby Practice Ruby
Ruby OOP and proper project managment/organisation practice.